

We love to hear from people who think this is worth doing. Please leave a comment in our guestbook. It is more encouraging than you know.

82 thoughts on “Guestbook

  1. Mom says:

    My precious children,
    Your goals are lofty, your love for each other is gifted from heaven. I am trusting our great Lord Jesus Christ will offer you His Light as a beacon on your adventure. His light indeed is brighter than any lighthouse on the path or any star in the heavens. Find His wisdom in your decisions as you go forth cutting this liquid trail for others who share your sense of adventure My heart and prayers will be with you day and night, motivated by my love for you both. Be wise, be careful and take care of each other.
    my love to you, mom

  2. Annie says:

    I’m so excited for you both! I wish you nothing but fun, love, laughter, safety, and good weather! Can’t wait to hear all about your adventures & to see the photos. Much love.

  3. Nicole Wehbie says:


  4. Joe Crespi says:

    You guys should paddle one of our top of the line composite sea kayaks for your trip. We actually have a woman who is paddling around Austrailia in one of our boats. Freya Hoffmiester, you can google her and find all kinds of stuff out about gear she is using for her trip. I also went to Brevard College, so another great reason why you should use one of our boats. Take care and let me know if this might intrest you guys.
    office-843 884 4601

  5. Have fun and stay safe!! Take lots of pics. πŸ™‚

  6. Melissa says:

    I am amazed and insprired… I work at WFE with Ann and she told me about your adventure. As the school science specialist, I plan to share your website with the students that take my electives. I will continue to follow your journey. Be safe and have fun.

    – Melissa Austin

  7. Kyle says:

    you may not remember me dan, but i was at the character inn while doing verity. we talked a few times. i love what you and your wife are doing. i’d love to do something like that. i’m following you guys. have fun.

  8. Ken Pierpont says:

    I met Kyle (above) today at a coffee shop in Michigan. He told be about what you were doing. Do you remember storing your boat in the kitchen outside my study? I wish you well and pray for your growth as a couple. Enjoy God’s creation and gather stories for us. We will be following you.

  9. Kacie says:

    so thrilled for you guys! you’re in it now! oh, the stories you will have, the adventures you will take, the love you will build–this is an exciting time for you! blessings and strength to you on your trip and as always, LOVELOVELOVE!

  10. Megan Keeler says:

    Bethany and Dan,
    First of all my prayers are with you and I look forward to updates. I know your parents are worried, I will keep them in my prayers too. Also please let us know when you get to NC. You know you are always welcome at our house. I admire you for fulfilling your dreams! Love you!!!!

  11. Tammie Andrews says:

    Hey Dream Catchers!

    I’m really praying for you! The Lord really knows how to start your adventure off right, doesn’t he. Your mom, Miss Ann, told me about the horn at the Lighthouse! We both laughed so hard. I can only wonder how in the world you all got any sleep what-so-ever!!!! And playing with the seals……I’m so jealous!!
    You guys are living out what some people could only DREAM about.

    You’re covered in prayer by me daily. Just don’t do anything, dare I say,…, u

    Will I get an autographed copy of “The Book” when it comes out?

    Pictures, we want to see pictures!!!

    Have a Blast,
    Miss Tammie

  12. Dan and Bethany (hereafter known to us as “you two”)…

    This is so cool, and so nutz! Hope you’re taking lots of video or stills for whichever cable channel wants to buy the rights to your story (Nat’l Geographic Explorer; Discovery, et al). May the Lord pull you closer to Himself and walk on the water with you through it all.

    Love, Mark & Kristen

  13. Susan Meares says:

    Love you two and praying for you! Have a great time on the water. I know you love this Dan because this is one of dreams. Have a blast! I love you, Susan

  14. Teena says:

    I receive the Stonebridge Newsletter and found out about your trip. You both are extremely brave to be undertaking such an adventure! My family and I wish you health, happiness, and enjoyment. I’m sure you will make many discovereis along the way! You will be remembered in our prayers. I look forward to reading your postings. Thank you for sharing with us.

  15. Mary says:

    May God bless you with safety. What an truly wonderful experience He is giving you. Keep leaning on His everlasting arms and you will not fail. (I heard about your adventure from Ken Pierpoint’s Stonebridge ezine.) To God be the glory, Mary

  16. Bethany B says:

    WOW! I love what you guys are doing. I think it’s a fantastic idea and will follow your journey.

    I am a Stonebridge subscriber.

  17. Becky Kiser says:

    WOW! You guys are out on the edge! What a blessing to share a passion like you have for each other and kayaking! I hope to hear more about it and see all the picutres when we visit at Christmas time! Thank you again for being present for our wedding! Love and Prayers, Becky

  18. Uncle Arnold says:

    Sounds like to two are having the time of your life. So glad you were able to make our big day. I look forward to seeing you at the end and I might even have a cooler with some soda pop in it to satisfy your sudsy thrist. Take care and all my love. Uncle Cheesecake

  19. Sandi says:

    Hi Dan and Bethany,
    I found out about your amazing kayak adventure from Ken Pierpont’s Stonebridge Newsletter, of which I am a subscriber, and have thoroughly enjoyed reading about your trip thus far. May the Lord continue to bless you with His safety net of protection and unconditional love as you gather a treasure chest of remembrances on your journey.
    Blessings, joy and smiles from Florida.

  20. Vangie Smith says:

    Met you guys at Lou and Becky’s wedding. Sounds like ya’ll are having a great adventure. Enjoyed reading your journal. Am jealous you saw the whale! Am looking forward to hearing more. Praying for your safety, Vangie Smith

  21. The Codys says:

    WOW. What a gift from our precious Lord to meet Dan and Bethany at our kayak shop in Port Clyde Maine. We had wonderful fellowship together. We are always so encouraged when we meet other Christians. We love to travel also, and it was nice to be able to be a host this time!!!! Blessings and we can’t wait to hear more!!! In Christ….Tamara

  22. The Codys says:

    Nice surf the other day ,Pemiquid point must have been going off!
    Have a grateful day,ya all are in our prayers, Love, Cody
    P.S Thanks for the hat Dan

  23. Norm & Clara Nutter says:

    Hi Dan & Beth,
    Couldn’t believe it at first that you would paddle all that distance. You all really gotta love Kayaks to do that. It is always refreshing to meet like believers in our travels. May god really bless you both, and we will excitedly follow your progress.
    Remember the Flying Cloud and the town we met was Newcastle, and the town you could hardly pronounce is Damariscotta (Indian for many fish).

    Love in Christ, Norm & Clara

  24. Ryan Packett says:

    Hey guys! This is an awesome website with some really fantastic pictures. By the way, I just came across Amos 4:13 a week ago, and it really impacted me, so it’s so cool to see that it’s important to each of you, too! Have a great time and good luck!

  25. Papa says:

    Great Pictures – especially Jonesport.
    Love you both.

  26. Maura says:

    Hi Guys! So wonderful catching up on your progress. Sounds like you are so enjoying this adventure. May God keep you safe and snug until we see you again. Can’t wait till you pull up in Sunny Florida! Mickey says hi! ((hugs))

  27. Veronica Perry says:

    Hey there! You don’t know me and I don’t know you either, but I did meet your mom today in the Food Lion. She was very excited to be cooking her daughter and son in-law their “Welcome Back” meal. She gave me your website and I told her I would check you guys out. Welcome home! I know everyone is thankful that you are safe and strong. As a daughter myself, I must tell you, your mother definitely seems to delight in her children and what a blessing that is and WILL be to you as you, too, begin your family. Not everyone has that. As a mother, I must tell you, the pure joy I saw in her face to know that the Lord answered “yes” to her anxious prayers for safety and protection for you both….is truly a joy inexplicable. Many blessings to you and your husband!

  28. You two remind me of my adventures back in 2000.
    Have a blast.
    What amazing memories you two are creating.
    I cannot agree with you more about the “grumpy zones”…learned the hard way while spending a month clibing in Tasmania with a person who did not know how to respect warned-grumpy-zone times…we no longer travel together.

  29. Joshua says:


    It was great going through your website, all the best, take more pics, and you guys aaaare made for each other…….


  30. Susan Tallieu says:

    I am so happy for the two of you! It’s great to see you taking a journey like this together!!!

  31. Danny Jacques says:

    Hey Dan and Bethany! It was good to chat with you both on Sunday! We are excited for you both, and will keep you in our prayers. As you get closer to VA/NC, perhaps we can consider coming out and paddling with you a bit? πŸ™‚ That would be WAY cool. Maybe bring the board for some “extracurricular” activity? πŸ˜‰ Have a wonderfully blessed journey together. Ginger’s and my theme for our marriage has always been “The GREAT Adventure” and Steven Curtis Chairman’s song of the same name was our wedding recessional song! πŸ™‚ (just the instrumental prelude portion though…)

  32. judd snapp says:

    Hi I love the site good luck when you start again and happy anniversary. The pics and the goal are so inspiring. I haven’t meet the B but I worked with the D
    at coastal kayaking the summer of 2007. Maybe see you on the water in NC.

  33. James says:

    Good luck have fun,hope to see you soon.

  34. Justin says:

    Hey guys, Sam told me your story. Watch out for the badger!

  35. Jim says:

    Hey guys, good luck on your trip! Hope to see you soon.

  36. Dane says:

    Hey Dan & Bethany. I just found out about your trip from my brother Steve in SC. You are living out my personal dream and are an inspiration to many of us who sometimes feel “stuck” in the daily grind of working and paying the bills. I send my best wishes for your safety and good weather throughout your journey. Be sure to repsond to my email so we can set you up with some places for you two to crash in the NH, MA & RI areas. I look forward to speaking with you and learning more about your trip so far by following this website.

    In coelo quies est

  37. Aldo says:

    Dan the man, Hope you guys are doing good. Can’t wait to see you guys. I’ll be praying for you.

  38. Frisbie says:

    Happy Anniversary

  39. Very jeolous! Sounds like an awsome trip, would love to do it someday. All teh best – The Fat Paddler πŸ™‚

  40. Way to go , kids. You don’t live but once. Soak up every minute…but stay dry,


  41. Dad says:

    Bon Voyage again my dear ones. May God give you safe passage as He already has! I love you guys! I am so hugely PROUD of you!!!

  42. Tom, Kari, and Brody Charbonneau says:

    Dan and Bethany,

    We met you in the oddest of circumstances, and became great friends. God brings people together in those sorts of ways. You were there through everything over the last few very important months of our lives, when our son was born, and through all our hardships. Portland was a mere milestone in the trip yet one of the biggest events of my recent life. Tom and I were blessed to have met you both, and wish you the utmost encouragement, and faith on your trip! Keep paddling, and dont stop. Were so proud of you both for fulfilling this dream.

    Take care,
    Tom, Kari, and Brody!

  43. Dad says:

    I miss you guys again . . . already . . . Godspeed to you!

  44. Best of luck out there you two! Great to hear you love the MSR Mutha Hubba & GORE-TEX ProShell Jackets. We look forward to following the trip from North Carolina!


    – Lin
    Great Outdoor Provision Co.
    Outdoor Clothing & Equipage since 1972

  45. Claire says:

    You guys put a BIG smile on my face.

    Lots of love,

  46. Aaron says:

    Hi Dan and Bethany,
    I just thought of you as you are paddling on the deep blue sea. I hear that you are somewhere past Cape Cod right now. I hope today is a blessed day for you and something really interesting happens. Happy paddling!
    Aaron (Chuck) from Maine

  47. Kenny says:

    What an awesome adventure! Been keeping up a couple weeks now, just found you guys couple weeks ago. I check site almost every night. Your making my dreams grow larger. Have Fun!”Lifes a trip” right? Look forward to reading more.

  48. Mike says:

    Let all things be healthy
    Let all things be peaceful ,
    Be sure to count your blessings at least once a day,
    Forgive those that have hurt you,
    And those who have offended you,
    But forgive yourself for what you have done,
    And let go of what you have failed to do.
    That which is done there is no need to speak of,
    That which is past theres no need to blame.
    Have Self-Control…..Self Knowledge…..Self Respect,
    ______The Courage To Dare______
    Be tranquil,The Light of intelligence will shine.
    Strive to make the spot you stand beautiful,
    Then Beauty and Harmony will follow
    In all your ways and through all your days.
    Dan And Bethany~ I admire your sense for Adventure. Your time here on the Farm Coast of Mass and Rhode Island will no doubt be a highlight of Summer 09. We will be sending you our positive energy. Mike and Team OSKA …….

  49. Frank (GBGM) says:

    Love what you guys are trying to do…best of luck and smooth sailing!! Look forward to checking up on your adventure and seeing your daily posts.

  50. ally says:

    just heard about your amazing excursion from old friend shannon willard. I wish i knew sooner we live near the cape cod canal – BEST OF ALL with your endeavor
    good vibes
    ally bizer knox

  51. Hi Dan and Bethany, I haven’t had a chance to meet you but you know my husband Carlton. Sorry I couldn’t make it for dinner last night. what a great adventure you are having. We have had many adventures in our life time, none however as big as yours. We wish you the best of luck. Glad you met up with Tam and Cody. They have adventure in their hearts and in their blood. I hope you continue to find people along the way who will help with your journey. Our best to you both.

    Kitty and Carlton Winslow (Tams’ mom and dad)

  52. Karisten says:

    Along the horizon. A term that used to be so simple to myself. A term that is now full of inspiration. A term that is close to my heart, as are its followers. A term that I will hold forever in my soul, as you continue your journey; somwhere along the horizon.

    You guys are doing it. The biggest dream of your lives, the biggest goal you had for yourselves. Im proud of you guys. And I miss you take care. Keep in touch.

    Small town of mexico, maine

    karisten, tom, and baby brody

  53. Susan& Bill Arcovitch says:

    Really enjoyed having you with us for a couple days. I can’t wait to hear about your passage through the east river.
    Looks like we’ll be blessed with a little more rain.

  54. Dad says:

    D & B,




  55. Jessie Reece says:

    You guys are inspiring, makes me feel anything is possible! Good luck Bethany and husband!

  56. Aunt Julie says:

    I am so proud of you guys. This is an amazing trip you guys are on and I just love reading your experiences.

    love you both
    Aunt Julie

  57. Trent says:

    Hope that I can see you in NC!

  58. Donna Prouty, Russ Hickman says:

    Hey Guys,

    On your journey you stopped at my place of employment.

    Casablanca Oceanside Inn, Ocean City MD

    We rented you a room

    I think its great what you are doing

    Best of luck to you

  59. Cheryl says:

    Dan and Bethany-

    It was wonderful to be able to visit with you. Have a safe journey, we will be following your trail.

    May God be with you as you paddle the coast together.

    Be safe, looking forward to hearing from you in NC.


  60. Bonnie Coyle says:

    7/21/09 – We are your bingo buddies from Tuckahoe Acres Campground, Bethany, DE. Looked up your website. Very interesting. Will follow your travels. Especially liked your “while everyone is sleeping” from the Tuckahoe Beach. Good luck and be safe.

  61. chuck churn says:

    would like to take you guys to a nice dinner at stingrays tomorrow nite….thurs chuck and tina..r&c seafood

  62. Mom says:

    Soon back in the home waters of OBX. It will be great to see both of you again paddling and resting and ready to go again. I love you both dearly. Be careful and paddle smart.

  63. Michelle Shim says:

    Bethany – I can still see the tears that came to your eyes when you spoke to me about your desire to marry Dan in front of your Nana’s house…and now that you two are married, I can’t tell you how much joy it brings my heart to see you both so happy πŸ™‚ SO happy you were able to meet James while you were docked πŸ˜‰

    I love this blog, I love you both, and I love your blessed marital adventures πŸ™‚

    Praying for safe travels as you two get ready to head back down the coast!

    Michelle & James

  64. Brenda Davies says:

    Hi—-I understand you’re soon to be near Harkers Island and the surrounding area –Tuesday I talked with Al and Lila —we have dock, grassy area, storage, and lodging – –let us all know when you get to Morehead City and how I can help
    (Lila’s cousin)

  65. judd snapp says:

    Hi guys I have enjoyed watching the progress of the trip on the web. Don’t forget about all the restricted military area south of swansboro to topsail. I think you can paddle through their in the day but can’t stay at night ( oceanside or ICW). I think it is around 25 miles but Im sure you know the distance. Bear island is a good place to camp near swansboro. Good luck

    judd snapp

  66. Matt Abbotts says:

    Hey Guys,

    I just found your site when Aquapac posted it on Facebook. My fiance and I just finished up our 1,200 mile kayak around Lake Superior. We know both the joy and pain of the kind of trip you are on and wish you the best of luck on the remaining miles. It sounds like a great paddle.

  67. Linda Kanoy says:

    Dear Dan & Bethany,

    It was a tremendous blessing for David & me to meet you tonight at Little River Methodist Church. It is awesome how God works and puts people together like He did tonight. It was a real pleasure having dinner with you and getting a chance to share information and experiences. I will continue pray for you and your journey.

    God bless your marriage and your future and let us hear from you sometime.


    Linda Kanoy

  68. Glad you made it to Pawleys Island SC — It was a joy meeting you folks — hope that the Reserve Harbour Yacht Club was a good host on your travels south — seriously – if you need any added cold refreshment – you know where it is ! —

    Have a great trip of a life time!

  69. KAT says:


  70. Aunt Wanda says:

    I tried to leave you an email message and it came back undeliverable. I’m checking out the Palm Coast marina and a free place to tie your kayaks up.

    Let me know your plans. Any way, we’ve got you covered if you need it.

    Aunt Wanda

  71. michele & craig says:

    We think about you often. Hope you are happy, safe and enjoying every moment of your journey!!
    Love, Michele & Craig

  72. Rob Shinnick says:

    Hi, I’m a Front Desk clerk here at the King & Prince resort, though not one of the ones you’ve met so far. I think it’s great what you’re doing, and I have nothing but respect (and a little touch of envy) for anybody who’s got the time, money, and sheer nerve to pursue such a dream and make it happen. When Bud the Sales Director mentioned what you were doing, I thought it was interesting, partly because I recently read “Mississippi Solo”, Eddy Harris’ memoir about his canoe trip down the middle of the continent. I Googled you and came across this blog. Haven’t read much yet, but I will. If you read this and should happen to pass through the hotel lobby tonight (Tuesday evening), come by and say hello. Otherwise, even if I don’t get to meet you, I wish you good luck and godspeed in your journey, and I’ll probably read along some so I can vicariously taste a little of the adventure myself.

  73. Congrats on your paddle. I set out to do the Atlantic Coast from Key West to Nova Scotia on Jan 30, heading north. I am excited to hear that you have safely navigated the coast all the way to GA. Would love to chat with you this winter once you are done and get some tips. I am in south Florida until I leave, so if you need any help as you get here, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I would be honored to help out.

    Best of Luck,


  74. Dee Beaver says:


  75. brian says:

    D&B i had the chance to meet you guys in clinton ct @ indian river marina you said me and my first mate eric were your first fanfare that made me feel good for it being so small our sailing season is over but you kids are still going its 11/10 ……….wow sure you have some stories god bless

  76. Ted Leavitt says:

    Wish I had known about your trip last fall in Maine. I guide kayak tours for Midcoast Kayak out of Muscongus Harbor and would liked to have paddled with you for part of your trip. For Nov/Dec, we are volunteering at John D MacArthur Beach State Park, perhaps we can link up with the 27-80 Paddlers.

    What an adventure, good luck on the rest of your journey.

    Ted and Sheila

  77. Darby says:

    Wow! Hello, my fellow adventurers! I see you are living John 10.10…to me one of the most challenging Bible verses…receiving the full, joyful, abundant life Christ has to offer. You rock, and praise God! Thank you for inspiring me. As I write this I am recovering from my 4th surgery in 3 years, and hopefully my last. I am sooooo ready to get back to my active lifestyle(surfing, kayaking, mountain biking, hiking, camping, hopefully race car driving, etc…) I read just the other day that God blesses us so that we can bless others. So, thank you for blessing me with your awesome adventure. If you need a place to stay in the Martin County/North Palm Beach County area, let us know. My husband and kids would love to welcome you.

  78. Veronique de Wallens says:

    Hi Dan and Bethany,
    you don’t know me… I’m one of Cat Wenzl’s sisters (you went to meet her & Rainer in Key Largo after hooking up during your trip). What a wonderful adventure! all the stories and memories that you’ll have! My s/o crossed canada on his bicycle in the summer of 2008 and I was jealous of his trip. Now he would like to cross the states in 2012 …. so this time, I will go with him.
    See you on the back roads.

    all the best!

  79. Congratulations!
    Congratulations on completing your journey.
    Congratulations on your awareness that your journey has only just begun.
    Love to you both,

  80. Hi Dan and Bethany,

    Congratulations on finishing such a wonderful journey! Very glad to see that you have finished safely and in good spirits! Your trip is an inspiration to all kayakers.

    Happy Holidays!

  81. James Philip says:

    This looks like a wonderful trip!!!

    We are glad you are now in Boston at Charles River Canoe and Kayak, across from the Hatch Shell where we can talk to you about advenure.
    Jim & Beverly Philip

  82. John says:

    I know I’m late…really late!…to the party here. I only found your site this morning after following a link from the Facebook page of Grassy Sound Marina in Wildwood, NJ, where they mentioned that you stopped by for a brief rest on your journey. I’m not a kayaker, but I have to say that it was an enjoyable last few hours that I spent reading through the blog of your adventure. (I wish I had been following it in real-time!) Still, I had to at least drop you a line to say that it was inspiring to read about your trip. As someone who very, VERY rarely strays out of his comfort zone, I admire the fact that you both had a dream and took action to achieve it. CONGRATULATIONS! If you can kayak from Maine to Florida the way you did, I figure you two can (and will) do just about anything that you set your mind to.

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This is the map we created with our Spot Satellite Messenger of the whole trip.

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Featured In

The Key West Citizen, Vero News, Sun Sentinel, TCPalm, The Orlando Sentinel, The Jacksonville Times Union, The Immersion Research Blog, The Coastland Times, The Great Outdoor Provision Company Blog, Coastal Sussex, The Gloucester Times, and The Munjoy Hill News